How does the Patented FibarSystem 300® Surface save over 50% in drainage costs?
A traditional stone drainage base typically consists of two layers of geotextile fabric and 3” of clean, free draining stone. The FibarSystem 300 eliminates the need for excavation for the drainage layer, dirt removal, stone delivery and stone installation. As shown on the cost comparison below, customers can save over 50% on drainage costs by using the FibarSystem 300.
Playground Surfacing Cost Comparison: Stone Drainage Construction vs. Fibar System 300
(2,000 square feet example)
Benefits from installing Fibar System 300:
What is the FibarSystem 300®?
The FibarSystem 300 is a single-source, easy to install, playground surface system with drainage which is composed of three parts:
FibarFelt: You only need one layer of FibarFelt vs. two layers in a traditional drainage system. The FibarFelt layer helps to separate the Fibar Engineered Wood Fiber from the soil below.
What are the benefits of using the FibarSystem 300®?
The FibarSystem 300 is easy to order since all the components can be purchased directly from Fibar or from your FibarSystem representative. It saves on installation costs, is easy to install, and comes with a 25- year Warranty. Best of all, it gets rid of excess rainwater so that kids can return to the playground sooner after a rainfall.